Software Engineering

Working Effectively with Legacy CodeFeathers, Michael100%
Large Scale C++Lakos, John20%
Design PatternsGoF10%
Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and PracticesMartin, Robert30%
Continuous IntegrationDuval, Paul100%link
Continuous DeliveryHumble, Jez, and David Farley15%
Software Engineering at GoogleWinters, Titus, et al.10%
xUnit Test PatternsMeszaros, Gerard0%
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by TestsFreeman, Steve, and Nat Pryce

Personal Development

Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic EconomicsHenry Hazlitt33%

System Design

Designing Data-Intensive ApplicationKleppmann, Martin5%
System Design InterviewXu, Alex0%

Human Centered Design

Design of Everyday ThingsNorman, Don100%
Don't Make Me ThinkKrug, Steve0%
About FaceCooper, Alan, et al.0%
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About PeopleWeinschenk, Susan0%
Get Into UXAlechnavicius, Vy0%
Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes DesignHolmes, Kat, and John Maeda0%


CLRSCormen, Thomas, et al.10%
C++ Concurrency in ActionWilliams, Anthony15%
Effective C++Meyers, Scott5%
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer ProgrammingVan Roy, Peter and Seif Haridi0%

Machine Learning

An Introduction to Statistical LearningJames, Gareth, et al.0%
The Elements of Statistical LearningHastie, Trevor, et al.0%
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern ApproachRussel, Stuart, and Peter Norvig0%
PAIPNorvig, Peter0%
Pattern Recognition and Machine LearningBishop, Christopher0%
Machine learning: A Probabilistic PerspectiveMurphy, Kevin0%
Deep LearningGoodfellow, Ian, et al.0%
The Nature of Statistical Learning TheoryVladimir Vapnik0%
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning AlgorithmsMackay, David0%
Reinforcement LearningBarto, Andrew, and Richard Sutton0%
Neural Networks and Deep LearningNielsen, Michael0%


Dynamics: Analysis and Design of Systems in MotionTongue, Benson, and Sheri Sheppard0%
Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics And ControlCraig, John0%
The Robotics PrimerMataric, Maja0%
Principles of Robot MotionChoset, Howie, et al.0%
A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic ManipulationMurray, Richard, et al.0%
Probabilistic RoboticsThrun, Sebastian, et al.0%
Planning AlgorithmsLaValle, Steven0%


SICPAbelson, Harold, and Gerald Jay Sussman5%
Purely Functional Data StructuresOkasaki, Chris0%
HtDPFelleisen, Matthias, et al.0%

Program Management

The Mythical Man-MonthBrooks Jr., Frederick100%
Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOpsForsgren, Nicole, et al.100%